shapeshifter avatar


My niece's husband died in his sleep last night. He was 28 years old. They're still not certain what the cause of death is. They're going to perform an autopsy soon. But he was an organ donor, so if anything good comes out of this it will be that he was able to save someone else's life.

My niece is very ill and I'm not sure what effect this is going to have on her health. She's a widow at 27.

God grant my family and me the wisdom to understand this tragedy and the strength to get through it.

6 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Christopher about 6 years ago

    I ran out of words.

    I love you, Dave.

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    Neville Hunt about 6 years ago

    Christopher, I am so sorry for the loss your niece, you and your family are experiencing. That is terrible, particularly in one so young. This is a heartbreaking drabble and I find myself deeply moved by it. I pray that your niece will find some strength to help her out of the worst imaginable situation and that you all find a way to get through this tragedy. God bless you all.

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    Steve McBrevity about 6 years ago

    If it’s any comfort in your bleak situation I’m the recent recipient of a kidney from a deceased donor and from being on the edge 18 months ago it’s a marvel. I think of my anonymous donor regularly.
    I watched a mother on TV this week who had lost a teenage son who passionately wanting to donate had saved the lives of not one but THREE people. The mother explained emotionally how her son’s generous act alone had given her the greatest strength in her grief. I hope you can find similar solace in your agony.

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    Peter Henderson about 6 years ago

    A tragedy that beggers belief. My greatest hope is you get through and make a life again.

    So sorry......

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    Jamie Clapperton about 6 years ago

    So sorry Christopher.

  • avatar

    Christopher about 6 years ago

    Thank you, Peter and Jamie.

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