"Weird and surreal" drabbles by Kirill Shchedrin

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Don't Open

Weird and surreal #2

SMS came: "Don't open".
Immediately someone rang the doorbell. It seemed like an introduction for a bad horror - but Vlad has gone cold inside.
 "Are you stuck to the sofa?" screamed wife.
“Again the sectarians,” answered Vlad. "We aren't waiting for anyone. Listen, don't open, please."
"Fucking fatten lubber! I myself!"
Vlad was ahead of her for a split second: fear gathered him into a spring.
The door opened and closed. Vlad realized that he was already on the other side of it - in the dirty hall. He battered the bell. 
Unknown man opened the door.
"What are you about?"

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Near the Garage

Weird and surreal #1

Two eggs were fried, the third shell cracked under the knife. Yellow and white slurry flowed out.
The man stopped next to the trash. Something stuck under the shell. Paper.
“Today, next to the garage, at nine,” the handwriting curve reported. The man grinned: he thought that he had hooked the trash with sticky fingers.
In the evening after work, he locked the car in the garage.
At first, he thought it was wind blowing up dry leaves. But the bone paw grabbed his ankle, the bird skull appeared before his eyes. The beak opened, and the man's head crunched.