"The War on the Fweebot" drabbles by Isaac Grant

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Recent City Matters and Other Announcements

The War on the Fweebot #2

-THE recent stealing of the shlonkles has been resolved as the doing of the Fweebot! We need a full barrack of Shlipshlop soldiers ready by morning, we are looking at you Flobbreks!
-THE rising in Fwemblong crime rates needs to be stopped! Please wait in city Rougenbery to be assigned to a state of defense, offense, or doing paperwork, which has been seen overflowing Clambreg hall's windows!
-FLORKSTER Manstemfer has made an upgrade to the previously popular Alomperet Bike! Please be informed that they now hover a Flermt Unit off the ground!

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The War on the Fweebot #1

The nearest herd of Shalaberf shlonkles was recently stolen by the Fweebot. Those dastardly trolls and goblins, don't usually stand a chance against our advanced Auto-Archers, but this time the herders were warded off by plasma fire and freeze grenades. They could do nothing. There is a mole in the society of the Dwepty. We will not survive if the mole is not found. The flonked shlonkles will be a problem to the Fweebot, as their hidden plasma rifles are loaded. We have only the the pilots of the pseudoshlonkles, and they have been well trained. We'll be fine!