"The Deed of Need" drabbles by Peter Henderson

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A Deed of Need (Part 2): The Banshee

The Deed of Need

The valley and wheat field, quiet at the moment it seemed.
Then a rumble was heard, and like a banshee it screamed.
Then a strong light appeared from a far away source.
It wailed closer propelled by some incredible force.

The intense light reached the valley and then made a stop.
Then appeared a cloaked man in a burnt line in the crop.
A monk on a mission, converting everything to speed.
A unique person, only one of a breed.

He stood for some moments in the dark, then he blazed.
A screaming fiery line, an incredible exit he razed.

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A Deed of Need (Part 1): The Forest

The Deed of Need

The grizzled old monk felt things weren’t right.
The monk drew Damascus sword, so wicked, so bright.
He took a sure stance and cocked an ear.
A rustle of leaves was oh so near.

Lifting his sword so it was ready to strike.
Two steps forward, arc up and swipe.
A scream rent the air, as the villian fell.
With a terrible slash, he was far from well.

The monk, a death-stab to silence what he made.
A small cloth he kept, he wiped blood from the blade.
Then began running to his deed as light started to fade.