That's it! I'm making the unfathomable adjustment to my resume.
Yes, I'm simply doing a Ctrl H to multi-tasking and calling it juggling.
Juggling is an art, science and whatnot. I respect anyone decoding the rhythmic chronological order of keys, coffee, file, phone and bag while their brain sorts the flowing river of commands by her majesty Killer and sequencing their tasks.
V! V! did you get them all?
(narrate the tasks scribbled in the air)
Hope much?
Thanks, catch up later
I can only bare my teeth and smile while Killer sinks hers into my skin!
I open outlook to see what is hot, aka what Killer wants ASAP^ASAP while deciphering the mumbo jumbo and cautiously replying to the requirements. I am startled by a sudden movement. A spider, unaware, finds my silver sheen laptop to be a ballroom. I don't seem intimated because he isn't here to bite, so I let him have it. Waltzing across the keyboard to only land on the screen and identify a long lost cousine, another tarantula. This Tarantula is no ordinary- she bites, leaves marks and is busy weaving a web of work for those who suffer from Killarachnophobia.
It's such a privilege to be awarded the word of the day by her majesty Killer. We realize this is the effect of a "Cause", which we must find among the pile of frustrations, a bundle of blunders leading to mounting mockery.
I didn't want to miss the golden chance when asked-
Could you spell the name, please?
Of course,
K for kaleidoscopic moods
I meaning Insensitive
L like a Leech
L disciple of Lucifer
E since Eccentric
R for ruthless, downright rude, relentless and...
V! Thank you, I think we got the name and the gist
Phew! that's cathartic.
Miss Killer is the epitome of...
'V, you need to check this ASAP and reply to the client'.
'No, don't give me a NO!'
I know that you won't take a No. But I also know that you have to know; that your ego will never know that the knowings from any knower is knowable. Sadly! Who knows what that client did unknowingly is caught by a most knowing monikered Knowinger. And all that knowledge will invite a sharp Oh No! which doesn't purely purport as NO in any known form.
'I already know, not NO! and replied them'
Can ‘Impatience’ be someone’s most resilient vice?
For Killer, every sentence was suffixed with curses.
The initial snow, turned into storm, then, an avalanche of oaths!!
Well, in her defense, someone was an epitome of idiotism and let’s just say they ran out of luck when they managed to come late, dropping her coffee and files along the way, only to be seated at the most respected chair- right opposite Killer.
I caught her counting; it dawned on me that, those annual ostentatious gifts were from her ‘Cuss Bank’.
I smirked, at the thought of a luxurious surprise on Christmas.
“How Dare You?” I screamed quite loud in my head, to the devil in heels. Infamously-my boss.
We were in tandem over a project. I was immersed in my canopy of thoughts. She asked me to come to her “Lair” and we had a tedious conversation.
Nah, not the end of it. It concluded rather with one thundering blow of work and nicknames.
Guess who doesn’t get to enjoy their Friday night?
As I exit, I see an improvement. Realizing, I should join her therapist too.
Note on the door, “Thank you, for tolerating my Temper, Tantrums and Tongue.”