"Final Castle" drabbles by Jim M

jim_m848 avatar

The Fire Breaks

Final Castle #10

As he worked with Peters and Gyrit to kill the fire Brother James prayed and asked forgiveness for his act of violence against the beast.

The cloying smell of it's death hung around him like penance and for this he was glad. Maybe the gods would not forsake him this once. Maybe a trial, maybe a bleed, maybe just an illness or drowsy limb.

The old gods would not have tempered his breach of pacifism so easily.

The work was largely administrative now, a lack of oxygen in the hold and the ships own systems having fought the fire successfully.

jim_m848 avatar

Ravens Point Pt.4

Final Castle #82

Praetus smiled, the silken drapes behind him fluttered in the warm sunny breeze.

"Now Brother James, you can't blame yourself" You've failed us all, you've failed those who died trusting you.

"She was... unexpectedly afflicted..." Daemon, tool, charred vessel.

James shuddered and dropped his head. He saw Kate, blank faced, focal point for the maelstrom of dark energy churning above her. Kate's voice, a legion of wretched screeches.

Kate, shimmering as she was taken.

James, helpless.

"She should never have been here, a house of the gods" You brought her here.

"Brother James, the eldars will need justice" Revenge, Blame.

jim_m848 avatar

Jackson's Gambit

Final Castle #32

James tried to control his breathing, he HAD to control his breathing. The Rate of Burn 'i' light was already blinking rapidly.

He looked to Jackson, the hard glare was gone from her eye and her face was strangely relaxed, almost gentle, almost... someone else. She too was rigidly resperating. Sharp. Even. Breaths.

James tried not to think about the pressure sickness.

He felt more than heard the habitat boundary creaking against his back.

When he glanced back, she locked eyes with him, a knowing glimmer played across her lips and then her calm focus returned, the mechanical breathing continued.

jim_m848 avatar

The Fall Begins

Final Castle #7


He couldn't get the beast’s earthy, vegetable smell scrubbed from his hands.

“I heard the voices again last night” she said, “They’re getting angry, they’re tired of just listening.”

James’ shoulders tightened, a chill ran down his spine and he turned to her, “You must… please try harder. They… the others cannot know, especially today.”

It had been a bad night, they would have to deal with the fire promptly and Jackson was still out there somewhere, beyond the monastery walls.

James could only be wrong once more and things would start to crumble, the group’s trust would flake.