"Dead and alone" drabbles by MJ 2.0

mojorgensen avatar

As she lay there with him

Dead and alone #2

Once he was satisfied he smiled down at her barely there clothes, and her blood stained body. he stared out the window while laying besides his lovers dead body. The crimson colored stained both of their clothes and he grabbed the kitchen knife and brought it down on himself, repeatedly, again the blood went everywhere. He grabbed her body and cuddled while they both bleed out together, their love even stronger in his mind. A smile danced on his lips as he held her closer than ever before and knew that now she was his forever, the death they shared.

mojorgensen avatar

As she lay there

Dead and alone

She turned white--dead white. The color flushed from her face and her eyes rolled back. The masked man stalked over her body and pulled up his pants. He didn’t mean to kill her but one thing kept running through his mind, that if he didn’t she would go to the police who would arrest him for rape. In that moment he wrapped his hands around her throat and she screamed but he kept going. He stopped only when he knew she was dead for sure. Hit after hit, blood splattered all over him, but thats when he finally stopped.