"Charlie and Jack" drabbles by Rodindeadpan

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Charlie and Jack In The Hollow

Charlie and Jack

The Hollow is dark, the Hollow is damp, the Hollow is scary and now on what had been a bright, warm summer day, the Hollow had become cold. Dark, damp, scary, cold and lost. Not the kind of day the boys were expecting.
"I think we're lost Jack."
"How can we be lost when we don't know where we're going?"
"Let's just keep walking," Charlie said, "It's not like the forest can go on forever."
But the forest did go on forever and the boys walked on and on never stopping and no one ever saw them again. The End.

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Charlie and Jack

Charlie and Jack

"Sure is quiet," Charlie said.
They stopped and listened. It was quiet. Not an insect buzzed, not a bird chirped, not even a leaf rustled. Never has such a peaceful and serene moment ever been so absolutely filled with terror. The boys were taking tiny steps while leaning onto each other. Both were expecting the unexpected.
"What is there to be scared of," Jack asked.
"I don't know but I sure am scared of it," Charlie replied.
Still they went on.
After what seemed liked the rest of eternity but was really only like three minutes and nineteen seconds....nothing happened.