The faerie-galleon hovered like a heavy balloon, tethered with ropes of Minotaur hair and the breath of giants. Its sails shone dawn-bright, fooling the sun with their color, even at midnight.
“She’s a fine ship,” said Clockmaker.
“A work of art and love,” said the captain, “based on the Old Man’s designs.”
“Will she really soar through the heavens?” It seemed hard to imagine.
“Oh yes.” The captain straightened his hat. “But there will be dangers. I hope you won’t be too frightened, my dear.”
“Never,” said Clockmaker. Though, in truth, it scared the stuffing out of her.
Rodindeadpan over 9 years ago
As the Clockmaker distracted the Captain, Rodindeadpan stowed himself away on board for he too was going on this trip.
D.M. over 9 years ago
I wish I would have thought of that, Rodindeadpan! (But then there probably wouldn't be room for us both and the sheepdog...)
Norman Bates over 9 years ago
Mother and I love your story. I can barely wait for more. Sometimes I get restless having to wait but I will try to be content but do hurry. Thank you.
Sara Light-Waller over 9 years ago
Oh my goodness! I'd better get to it then! Thanks everyone for the kind words. :-)