It used to be an honest profession — prestidigitator. They called me humbug and worse but I never took it personally. I had a million-watt smile and fast hands, the perfect bunkum king.
Then came OZ.
I was never happy there. My tricks grew stale and the crowd, bored. Pah! It was a long slow death. When the run was over they didn’t kill me as everyone thought. I just went home.
Home had changed since I’d been gone. Deceit was virtuous and honesty a lost art.
I grinned and thought of Barnum.
It was good to be back.
Jim M almost 10 years ago
Amazing drabble, especially like ' Deceit was virtuous and honesty a lost art' but the whole piece is full of clever terms and turns of phrase. Also very smartly paced, emphasizes the journey. Thank you- this has honestly brightened my day.
D.M. almost 10 years ago
'Love the line, " they didn't kill me as everyone thought, I just went home."
Even his downfall becomes a façade for others.
Sara Light-Waller almost 10 years ago
Thank you both! I'm struck speechless... :-)
Sara Light-Waller almost 10 years ago
You've caught the heart of it Drew! I've been thinking a lot of illusion lately. Thanks for you lovely comments!