The higher they climb . . . what rubbish I thought.
Sitting here for hours on end and still meaningful words fail to flow across this never ending screen of grey. But I can do this, even though I hate that white coat.
I need to explore the depths of my mind and just type - type - type.
‘Ok Mr Haynes, please remove the sensors from your chest. The results will take a little while but this experiment is now over. It is clear that your brain is unable to function effectively after twenty four hours. Thank you for your cooperation.’
Bryan Thomas about 10 years ago
Nice one, Rick!
Horrorshow about 10 years ago
Nicely written, Rick.
Rick Haynes about 10 years ago
Thanks people. After hours and hours of writing that I pressuriesd myself to complete, I thought about this Drabble. I thought it summed my feelings up.