Walking the rooftops, I found a hummingbird painted on a chimneystack.
It was a beautiful thing, delicate as rose blossom, bright as rainbows. Drawn so precisely it could be alive, up here where no-one could see it. I came back every day, to prove I hadn’t imagined it.
One day, someone else was there, sitting on the roof. “Did you make that?” I asked.
“No. I just found it.”
“Who’d do something like that, all the way up here?”
He shrugged. “Someone who wants people to keep exploring. Best way to do that is leave behind some buried treasure.”
Jim M almost 10 years ago
Another fantastic drabble, beautifully and engagingly crafted. Love curiosity tales
D.M. almost 10 years ago
This was like finding buried treasure today. Thank you!
Sara Light-Waller almost 10 years ago
What a lovely drabble! There's so much light and color in it. Perfect to add color to an already cold winter.
Neil Murton almost 10 years ago
Thanks for the amazing comments, guys. Putting these out so frequently is being quite a challenge, I honestly don't know how some of you keep it up. Glad you're enjoying them :-)