mdbrooks41 avatar


There was a time when I was in school, I was a nerd and then a geek.

After graduation from school, I entered the workforce and learned to compete with the cut throats and the meek.

I held my own, learned new skills and increased my knowledge at length thinking it would help me compete and build strength.

I worked for bosses who just didn't care about what I could contribute and share. And despite my being busy like a bee, they chose to let me go free.

Lesson learned. Now with my new boss, I only just work here.

2 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Christopher about 7 years ago

    I think most of us have experienced that at some time in our working life. Great drabble, well written and lyrical.

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    LesleyAnne over 5 years ago

    So true.

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