mcbrevity avatar


Big occasion tonight. Spotted her on New Year’s Eve, eye catching in mini skirt and skinnyrib and dancing like an electric eel. Handing my resident girlfriend to a boy in a Sergeant Pepper jacket, I plucked up courage and crossed the room, even more fascinated the closer I approached. She flashed her beautiful blue eyes, lips tremoring in a come-on smile. I’ve never know what she saw in the scruffy youth but magnetic attraction works in mysterious ways. Years later the currents still flow - less electric eel maybe but more in a low voltage eco friendly sort of way.

2 comments add one below

  • avatar

    Christopher over 6 years ago

    I had a similar experience with a meter maid named Rita.

    Nearly made it, too.

    (Really nice drabble, btw.)

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    Neville Hunt over 6 years ago

    I think I met Mrs H two days later. A good choice Steve! 👩‍🔧

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