A slow boat brought the veteran back from the killing fields and death trenches of L’Hexagone. The spent vessel, an old sloop called Strood, had been through as much as he during the last four years and sported the war scars to prove it.
So'ton was as he remembered. A dank port full of illicit movement and dubious industry where even a soldier was anonymous. No one looked at the veteran as he alighted the Strood. Smoking his last Woodbine, the veteran pulled up his coat collar and wondered why so many had had to die; and why he hadn’t.
Horrorshow about 10 years ago
Thank you for the kind words, Cindy. I do have many adventures planned for the veteran soldier but perhaps not in drabble form!
Chris Walker about 10 years ago
Good writing. A lot of atmosphere packed into 100 words.
Horrorshow about 10 years ago
Thanks for reading, Chris. Always great to get your feeback.
Elizabeth O. Smith about 10 years ago
Really, really liked this one :)! Hope to see more of him in a longer format!
Bryan Thomas about 10 years ago
Yeah, great read.
Horrorshow about 10 years ago
I appreciate your generous praise Olivia and Bryan! Thank you :-)
John Moralee about 10 years ago
"A dank port full of illicit movement and dubious industry" - great evocative and concise description!
Horrorshow about 10 years ago
Thank you for reading and commenting, John; much obliged. :-)