From A Sunny Land

by Andrew Pettigrew

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I once met a traveller from a sunny land,
Who came to me only to demand:
'Andrew, I am so confused, please tell me this:
Why is this land of yours so full of mist?'
So I said to him with a patient smile,
'You'll know why, if you stay a while.'
And so he did, with a frightened face,
Glancing out the window as he glumly paced:
'Where is the sun! Where is the light!
This desolate plain is so grey and white!'
Then I lost it, declaring, 'You're such a pain—
'It's bloody Scotland, the Land of Rain!'

Latest Comments
Andrew Pettigrew avatar

Andrew Pettigrew (about 4 years ago)

Thanks, everyone!

Christopher avatar

Christopher (about 4 years ago)

Nice one, Andrew.

Jamie Clapperton avatar

Jamie Clapperton (about 4 years ago)

That was fun.

Neville Hunt avatar

Neville Hunt (about 4 years ago)

Haha! Nice one Andrew! Good fortune at uni (I’m preparing for uni myself, also feeling mental about maybe delivering lessons online). There has been a dearth of drabblery here recently, with Christopher holding the fort with Jake Randolph, his private eye. I must get back into the groove on that, but this Covid stuff is sapping enthusiasm and get-up-and-go (it got up and went!)

Andrew Pettigrew avatar

Andrew Pettigrew (about 4 years ago)

Sorry it's been a while, guys. Been preparing for uni and it's all a bit mental, but I'm going to write some more Drabbles soon hopefully.

Published: August 26, 2020 09:44

Category: Poetry

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